Thursday, December 20, 2007

I got what I wanted, its okay if the pay package is'nt that rocking well but its okay that won't stop me from acheive what I wanted to. I mean a week or two weeks back I thought of joining TV 18 again as a writer for their website. But then along came this BIG offer...yea Big offer I went ahead and all that.

I was obviously in two minds of what not to of what to do. Coz if I didnt make it now, coz I thought and according to my calculation I should be settling down soon and that too very sooon. So the song plays in my mind, "Here I am, This is me"... dont know the rest of the lines but am sure they are also equally important. Anywayz, so thats there. Yea I was being told the place is not good, they dont treat people right, etc,etc...But from my experience I have seen that happen everywhere and this isnt an exception so all I can say is "What the heck?" yea...I have been given some reading material to do apart from observing the shows. And I guess there are loads of expectations as well and thats the reason they hired me right??? So its like all eyes on me to know what I will be doing and what not. What are my ideas about the same and how do I implement yea be it. All I need to do now, is to focus, focus and focus more that I want to go ahead in the long run I want to be in this field so that it will help in a longer run. So its like Aim and FIRE!!!!

Will keep you posted my head's throbbing like hell...dont know why its paining so much....