Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Sometimes you think that writing a straight and an honest letter might just makes things easier, well I tried but couldnt mail this letter, coz it isnt worth it. Coz it would probably mean sending a mail to a person who just wants to completely ignore it. However, I thought I should save a copy of the mail...so here it goes...

They say that when you have committed a sin, people go to the Church to confess about their wrong doing, but I aint done anything wrong, except I couldnt judge time, and I couldnt recognise an opportunity waiting for me...

They also say, that its of no use of picking out old bones from the cupboard (or is that a different phrase) coz they only make you sad... But I had to otherwise I wouldnt get time and oppurtunity might not knock at my door again!

I look back at time, cant say years....but the kind of time we had spent together...where we had to built upon each others trust, faith and love. Things werent hunky dory, but we had put in our enough efforts to actually sail our boat together....

And as they say (AGAIN) that a girl and a guy cant be best of friends either commitment or marriage comes in and lo and behold! things go haywire and a simple and a beautiful relationship comes to an end.

Its been one and a half year since we had a talk on the marriage aspect (oh no am not starting again!) And thats when you told me to wait for 2 or more years...to see where we can head and that whether I can wait or not. After that all hell broke loose, coz a proposal came thru which shattered lot of things, including me and you emotionally. We parted, leading our own lives independently - trying to get back to normal period of our lives.

That's when you came in the picture again, I tried to contact you, and so on and so forth. When finally one day, you called up asking whether I can meet you since you might be moving out of town. I guess by that time already I had made myself quiet strong enough not to melt down easily keeping practical things in mind and then letting the heart rule later on...

And that wasnt it, we are still keeping in touch, talking about all the things existing in the world, about you and me, and other different things....When just this last week you tell me that you might be moving out of the country all together...and as you said even I dont know when we might meet again, if thats going to happen.

Which took me all together on a different plane of thought, had we been together till this date, would we have learned to appreciate each other more, love and respect each other more, or we might have not learnt anything at all and the relationship would have gone sour....

Is there a chance that we can get back together, see if things work out for us and wait for the outcome. Well I dont know, and as they say wait for the correct time and things shall happen.....which brings me to another question, Do we turn the tide towards us, or wait and see if the tide comes and turns us??

-- Megha Katira

Did you make any sense out of that?

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